It’s almost spring. Maybe you’re planning on cleaning out your closet, that clutter drawer, the overflowing cabinet. You can anticipate that spacious feeling you get from making space in your physical world. What about your emotional world? Craving a spring clean? Or a trip to the dump to drop off some dead weight that’s not serving you anymore?
Grief is an often invisible clutter in our systems. It keeps us stuck, weighted down, buried. It keeps us from accessing our truth, our pleasure, our passion. And the clutter gets so full and so heavy that these seemingly simple pleasurable things feel like a far reach. Our joys slip slowly from our fingertips.
Grief is a sneaky bitch. And the sneakiest part is that this clutter doesn't even have to come from obvious places, it’s grieving who you were last year, it’s grieving a dream that hasn’t come true, it’s the collective grief over the destruction of mother earth, the injustices in the world, it’s the grieving of a version of you from years ago that seems to have slipped away.
How do we even begin to claw our way back to joy?
I’m here to tell you the only way to feel more lightness is to dip into the darkness. To feel the stuff that you didn’t even know was there. We don’t even need your mind to do this. We just need your body.
The body keeps the score. Most of our emotional processing is happening neck up, but the body stores it all.
That’s why the #1 key to processing hard stuff and truly finding your joy is getting out of your head and into your body.