My dad died when I was 4. One of the last things he said to me and words I’ve had framed over my bedside all these years were:
"I love you to the end of the universe and back, soon the world will look to you for the answers."
I’ve treasured these words yet they’ve felt heavy. A little voice would say, ‘what answers could I possibly have to offer?’
A few years ago I realized how much of my life had been spent busying myself, box checking. And after so many boxes checked, something wasn't quite right.
I remember sitting in an auditorium and my life looked one way. I remember watching women all around me who were bragging about following their passions and dreams. I remember thinking to myself how much of my life would need to change if I were to go after what I really wanted. It felt overwhelming, daunting and I wanted to hide from the idea.
There was too much. The job would have to go, certain relationships would have to expire, difficult boundaries would have to be set, and I’d need to figure out who the fuck I was and what I stood for.
I was ready to say “pass” and got up to go to the bathroom. Then something undeniable happened, I caught my eye in the stupid mirror of the stupid bathroom of the stupid event I no longer wanted a part of, and thought, goddamnit you’re worth it and this is going to be hard AF, but let’s go.
And since then I’ve been in motion. I’ve burned some shit down, some things that had to go. I say it’s like my life “no longer fit” but the truth is, it never fucking fit. It was someone else’s vision, shaped by all the “shoulds” that had ever been dumped on me.
And so I’d like to celebrate a few things. I’m celebrating:
🌸I left corporate less than 6 months ago.
🌸I’ve relocated to Puerto Rico with my love.
🌸I’m stepping into my truth as a a grief genius and get to help people process their darkness and rise from the fucking ashes of their storylines.
🌸I’ve sold out not 1 but 2 programs on grief this winter.
🌸The humans I get to serve in these groups are so magical and we are having major “aha” moments and breakthroughs while building gorgeous sisterhood.
🌸I've hired 6 talented and diverse women who support my business in various ways.
🌸I work with incredible women in my private 1 on 1 coaching practice who I just adore.
🌸My ride or die humans are supporting me on this journey in ways I couldn't have anticipated but feel deeply nourished by.
And so you have it. This is my full-circle storyline. This is my deepest pain becoming my deepest calling. From tragic to magic. From rupture to rapture. And there are still days where all this feels real heavy still, I mean it is grief we’re talking about. But if I’m lucky I’ll be around for the plot to continue.
One thing it’s taught me is to listen to my inner yes. I actually can no loner can ignore it. If this story find you in a place I was in just a couple years ago or you're on the journey of figuring out who you are, I’m curious how this resonates with you?
So much love to you.