Sacred Sensuality 1 on 1 Mentorship

When you work with me, you’ll experience the unconditional acceptance of a pleasure priestess, where all parts of you are met with nurturing and love. A fusion of coaching, somatics, energy work and t@ntric healing techniques, you'll be guided and held through a personalized journey dedicated to empowering your highest self and creating freedom in places that are blocked. You can expect to awaken to new sensations, heal, and expand to greater heights of renewal and pleasure.

If you feel nervous or resistant about delving deeper into your seggsuality, that’s totally perfect. I expect that. When I first started down the path of reclaiming mine as sacred, I sat in the back of every T@ntra event I attended for fear of being called on or noticed. This path scared me, but I kept going. And let me tell you, the juice has been worth the squeeze. Where we have the most resistance is often where our greatest liberation lies. I’m here to design a personalized mentorship that meets you where you’re at and I’ll be in your pocket every step of the way.

If this calls to you, explore working with me with a 3-session starter package for $825.

My work is open to women, and now, for the first time, men as well! ❤️

If you choose to work with me for 4+ months, here's an example of what we could cover:

Month 1: Body Love & Creating a New Sexual Story

  1. Container Setting

  2. Desire Mapping

  3. Self Love & Body Love 

  4. Creating a nourishing relationship to sexual self

Month 2: Meeting Emotions with Loving Presence

  1. Inner Child Visit

  2. Emotional Release & Shame Transmutation 

  3. Empowering your inner queen and king 

  4. Yoni Dearmouring

Month 3: Building a Relationship to Self Pleasure

  1. Self worth practices 

  2. Body Love for Yoni 

  3. Self intimacy: Edging & Stroking Practice

Month 4: Org@smic Exploration

  1. Org@sm Reclamation 

  2. Yoni Breathwork

  3. Holistic Seggs Practices 

I will be feeling into what is in highest service of your journey from moment to moment and check in with you for your consent on the direction we're headed at each turn.

Package Inclusions: 

We will begin with a 4-month container with 3 sessions/month and 1 week off for integration (no session during integration week).

You’ll have:

  1. (12) 60-minute Coaching Calls

  2. 4-months of voice messaging to get support in between sessions, during integration week, or for our accountability check ins

  3. Personalized homework practices to support you in between sessions based on what we're working on

  4. You’ll have the option to record every session to your zoom cloud if you want the session recordings (totally optional)

To get more information about signing up for my 4-month program, email me or sign up for a free discovery call using the button below.