
Grieve + Glow

An 8-week group journey to reclaim grief as your super power and awaken your sensual radiance.

Email to join the waitlist

Sign up for the self-paced course here

Life has an inevitable way of ripping things from us, of altering our plans, hopes and dreams. The question is, how do you want to relate to loss?

You may find yourself stuck trying to process the loss of a person, a relationship, a job, a big life transition. Grief is sneaky and comes to the surface in so many ways. If you find yourself here, in a state of disconnection from yourself, from your truth, from your shine.. I want you to know, I’ve been there and I’m here to reignite your flame.

A few years ago I found myself stuck in what felt like an ocean of sadness. I was emotionally shut down. I was bumping up against the same walls with men. And my job wasn’t bringing me the fulfillment I had always dreamed it would. I felt stuck and far from happy. My grief from my dad’s death was bursting at the seams but I couldn’t even name it.

I tried numbing out, distracting myself, busying myself, and nothing worked.

When I finally faced my grief and gave myself permission to feel everything I’d been avoiding, alchemy happened. I converted my pain into vibrancy and aliveness. It became fuel for creating the life I had always wanted.

It can be terrifying to rupture the solid foundation we’ve created in order to keep it together all the time. I for one was scared of what would happen if I truly felt everything I was feeling inside. I was scared of my emotions being bottomless and taking me down a dark hole of unraveling. It was easier to lock it all in.


Many of us have been trained our entire life that truly feeling our feelings would be
the worst thing that could possibly happen.

I invite you to consider what you were taught about expressing emotion. Many of us were told from a young age to keep a smile on, to not show vulnerability for it can be used against us, to avoid being perceived as “too much”, and to tend to other people’s emotions before our own.

I’ve come to learn that playing the full range of the emotional scale is how we come home to ourselves. It’s one of life’s cosmic jokes that the very thing we fear is our ticket home to ourselves.

I’ve walked this path and I’m here to show you that a sacred relationship to loss can actually birth a greater sense of aliveness. It’s important that we understand a way of honoring the cycles of life, death, and rebirth in our lives, in the seasons, and in the world.

Can you imagine a space where your grief is welcomed? Where your sadness is explored with gentle compassion? Where your true raw anger is considered brilliant instead of shamed?
Where all your raw emotions are welcomed?
Where you learn how to transmute grief into pleasure and power?

Grieve and Glow is a space where everything you’re feeling right now is absolutely right. Where you won’t be “fixed” because you are not broken.

It’s a space where the giant pains in your heart are welcomed and so are the quiet longings for greatness in your soul.

It’s a space where you will alchemize your pain into your shine.

It’s a space that will puts you squarely back in your power.

And the way to do this, sisters, is in community. Where we can link arms. Witness one another. Listen to one another. Learn from one another. Because one woman’s vulnerability sets another woman free.
And when one is free, we all taste the liberation magic!


What we’ll do in this program:

In this transformative 8-week group program, we will have weekly group calls where you’ll learn tools and do live ritual practices to connect with the cycles of death and rebirth, to build a new and empowering storyline around your pain.

We’ll explore our dark emotions, dive deep into the swamp, do shadow work, and then move into pleasure practices, desire rituals, and empowerment practices.

We will use body-based practices to bring safety to the deepest parts of our nervous system and rewire conditioning around grief, anger, and loss. You will learn how to create your own thriving inner ecology that can never be ripped from you.

We will let your grief have its spotlight, its moment in the sun, we will make love to it, we alchemize it into your magic. And then we will turn on and fire up your desires, your pleasure, your vitality.

We will do all this in a sisterly community, taking each other higher with love, compassion and witnessing.

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This program is for you if:

- You feel stuck, foggy or heaviness from any type of loss (loss of a person, a relationship, a job, a previous version of self, a life transition, and so on…)

- You feel disconnected from your body
- You’re scared that your grief and anger might be so bottomless that you’d just unravel if you faced it
- You feel like pleasure has slipped through your fingertips
- You want to process your grief in an empowering way
- You want to find your power again
- You want to find your shine again
- You’re ready to be held in community

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Sign up for the self-paced course here

Have questions? Need more information? Email Sara!

What you’ll learn:

In this program, we will explore a body-based approach to processing loss in the body. This is not talk therapy or lectures. Together we work proven tools and sacred ritual around past wounding and learn to listen to your body in a new way that creates a deeper sense of connectedness to self. Then we’ll harness this energy as fuel for your passions and desires.

I will give you tools to feel connected to yourself again, to feel in touch with your body,
and your sense of pleasure and joy. 

The programs has 3 Modules

Part 1: Honoring your loss as Queen of Darkness

Part 2: Finding Inner Empowerment

Part 3: Reconnecting to Pleasure and Desires

“There is no greater force than a woman’s desire.”

- Mama Gena

What’s included in this 8-week journey?

- 8 Ninety-minute group calls
- Private Facebook Group with ongoing support from Sara
- Weekly Journal Prompts, Tools, and Homework practices
- Private online portal with call recordings and resources

Feeling like you’d love a little extra one on one support while we move through this powerful container? You can add on private 1 on 1 coaching with Sara. Reach out to Sara here if you’re interested in private coaching at a special bundle rate.

Program Investment:

Pay in Full: $988

Payment Plan: 3 x $330

Payment Plan: 5 x $198

Scholarship Applications are CLOSED for this round.

(If you are unable to afford the cost of this program at this time, you can apply for a scholarship. BBIWOC, LGBTQI+, TQPOC, single moms and refugees will be prioritized for scholarships)

Course Schedule:

Calls are as follow:

October 26

November 2

November 9


November 23


December 7

December 14

Calls will take place at 8pm EST on zoom. They will be approx. 90 mins.

A commitment to showing up for the live call is important to participate, however, calls will be recorded and posted to a private portal should you need to miss a call.
In order to create a strong container and accountability for all participants, calls should not be missed to the best of your ability.

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Sign up for the self-paced course here

Have questions? Need more information? Email Sara!

About Sara

I came to learn that the extent to which I could feel all my shadows is the extent to which I could feel my shine. The more comfortable I became talking about transitions, death, loss, and grieving, I became more connected to my sense of aliveness. Vibrancy, self love and authentic sexual radiance emerged through the dark cloud of grief.

My dad's final words to me before he died hang on my wall and read:

"I love you to the end of the universe and back, soon the world will look to you for the answers."

That prophecy stressed me out most of my life. Turns out the pain I felt in the hole in my heart had a purpose all along. I'm so excited to share this work because it has truly changed my life.

What I’m not trained in is traditional talk therapy grief coaching.  What I am trained in is showing you how to harness the energy of your pain and channel it in a way that inspires you, empowers you, lights you up. And thats what I do with my clients. And it brings me immense joy doing so.


Claire has not been a stranger to grief. Her first conscious memory was seeing her mom drown when she was just 3 years old. She grew up in the shadows of grief. Grief has been a lifelong companion for her, learning how to adapt and ultimately thrive from her experiences of grief. She has studied with the world's most genius grief leaders including Hope Edelman and Regena Thomashauer and absorbed their teachings to create a whole new relationship grief. In her years of learning, she now sees the beauty in grief and is here to hold the lantern out ahead for you in your grieving journey. Inside Grieve & Glow, Claire will be teaching on relating to grief in a whole new way, with grief as your power and as your source energy. Claire will be co-facilitating practices and co-holding the space in addition to Sara so you are so held and loved during this program.

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Q: This all sounds great but I’m still feeling skeptical. Is there a catch?

A: I totally get that this can be really scary! When I first walked into a space like this, I was skeptical too. I thought … this couldn’t possibly be true … you want me to show how I’m really feeling inside? I’m not even sure how I’m really feeling inside. And what I can feel, I certainly don’t want to share with anyone. There must be a catch. But there wasn’t. No catch. No gimmicks. And the space allowed me to fully own who I was. I am committed to creating a safer space for you to feel all the feels and reach for your turn on, yet, I trust that only you know where you’re at and that only you can make this empowered decision.

Q: What do you mean by you won’t “fix” me?

A: So often people have opinions on how someone should process emotions or grieve. I’m here to squash that. Emotions are deeply personal and there is no right or wrong way to emote. I wont be pushing advice or agendas on you, that’s exhausting (for you and for me). I simply create transformative space for your body to lead the way. Believe it or not, your body will do the rest. I believe, we are our own healers. There’s truly nothing I’m bringing that isn't already within you.

Q. What types of rituals will we be doing? I see a lot of half naked womxn on this web page, will I be expected to unclothe?

A. Absolutely not. This container is all about honoring what makes you comfortable! During parts of the program we will tap into ancient practices that empower women and their wild, primal side. You might be invited to wear something you feel sexy in, and if thats a pair of sweats, then bring it on! I invite you to totally honor you and your comfort.

Q: When are the calls?

A: They will be at 5pm PST / 8pm EST on the following days: Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7 & Dec 14.

Q: Can I skip the calls if the time doesn’t work for me?

A: A commitment to showing up for the live call is important to participate, however, calls will be recorded and posted to a private portal should you be out for an emergency. In order to create a strong container and accountability for all participants, try not to miss calls.

Q: How will you honor my confidentiality?

A: All participants will be asked to agree to maintain a safer space where everyone’s shares are confidential so that we can be vulnerable with ourselves and each other throughout this journey.

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Have questions? Need more information? Email Sara!