Grief Can Look Like Many Things.

What’s grief got to do with sxxuality, you ask? Everything. Grief feels like a million flavors of stuckness, emptiness, numbness, anger, and devastation. When one is grieving, it’s often they are shut down to their sense of vibrancy, sensuality and aliveness.

Grief is a sneaky one and can look like many things:

Lashing out at people your care about then immediately regretting it.

Binging things that are making you feel bad but doing it anyways (I think we all know the difference between an empowered Netflix binge and uhhh I’m avoiding life right now Netflix binge).

Not having motivation to move the needle forward in life, even just an inch feels overwhelming.

The truth is, we are all walking around this world trailing this heavy trailer of crap. And we don't even know where it came from but this heavy load is consuming so much of our available energy. We are adorably blind to our trailers too. And then we wonder why we aren’t happy or motivated to pursue our passions or why we aren’t in love.

It’s because we’re towing decades of losses, heart breaks, disappointments, betrayal, anger and life’s crap. We’re grieving the person we used to be or the life we used to live. We’re grieving our light that now seems dimmed. We’re grieving the collective weight of injustices, destruction of mother earth, and violence in the world.

When I lay out out for you like this, it begins to be understandable, doesn't it?

This is the same energy that could be used for passions, desires, purpose. But how understandable is it that under this heavy ass trailer, we feel stuck?

So let’s start emptying out your trailer shall we?



Sara Chizek