Vulnerability Alert!
WARNING! I’m going to take you on a tour inside my journal. Eeeek vulnerable.
Every morning I spend time journaling but often when I wake up my mind is foggy and I don’t know what to write. So in anticipation of this, I write a few journal prompts on the inside cover of each journal. These are reminders of some of my favorite mindset practices that I know help me through the foggy phase and into the day. And I’m going to share them with you now.
Are you ready?
My Go-To Journal Prompts:
1. Make a list of everything that’s working for you. This can be in general, at work, in a relationship, the weather, etc.
2. Fear Journaling (list your desires, list your fears as it relates to your desires, and then reframe your fears with empowering statements)
3. Make a list of all the ways you are taken care of
4. Make a list of gratitudes
5. Make a list of desires (yes, I love list making)
6. Make a list of Decisions you're making right now - the power of decision is SO damn important, write out what you are deciding (for example: I decide I can do hard things. I decide I am so worthy of what I want. I decide I’m wildly capable)
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Save this post for your own inside cover of your journal. And add your favorite journal prompt to the comments so we get a list going from our fam.