It's an Internal Battle

Are you turning your energy against yourself in an unknown internal battle?

I didn't think I was until my coach stopped me in my tracks and reminded me how freakin’ clever the mind is.

If we are passionate people and want to do all the things but we don’t allow ourselves permission to follow our passions, create, or do the thing, what will often happen is we find a fight to pick within. It’s how we find use for the energy that would otherwise be exerted doing what it is we really want to do. It might look like judging yourself harshly, resisting anything that’s good for you, feeding yourself crap food, fighting pleasure and getting fed up with yourself.

So we have to ask ourselves, if we weren't battling ourselves, what would we be putting that energy toward? If you allowed yourself to stop this fight, what is it that you're being called to take a stand for in the world and devote your energy toward? What’s the thing that you’re being called to do but fear diving into. And what if you took a small step in that direction?

I know I’m here to help women turn grief into fuel for living a radiant life.

Sara Chizek