So many of us were taught that the purpose of our existence is to provide pleasure to others.
So many of us have unknowingly adopted this belief system because we don't know another way or haven't seen it modelled differently.
When I first learned about reclaiming pleasure as mine, my body took to it like a sponge, I soaked in this whole new vocabulary and over the last 4 years, it has become my way of life.
And some amazing shit happened when I said yes to more pleasure in my life:
🌹I met a partner who celebrates my pleasure.
🌹I found myself surrounded by women who were also claiming pleasure for themselves and each one of them took me higher with their path.
🌹The universe conspired to move anything out of my way that wasn’t aligned with pleasure -
Corporate, gone.
🌹Certain relationships, boundaried.
🌹A new business, born.
The key to infusing your life with more pleasure is having someone holding the lantern out ahead on the path to pleasure.