I see MAGIC happen when women say yes to pleasure in their life. Because what is really happening is they are saying yes to themselves.
Pleasure is not JUST bubble baths.
🔥It’s a deep knowing that you are deserving of everything you desire.
🔥It’s the lighter fluid to your personal power.
🔥It's a deep connection to your sovereign self, to your womb space and all of the deep truth that lies within you.
Pleasure is feeling the sensations in your body and being connected to your wise inner yes’s and no’s.
It’s the opposite of hustle and grind culture. It’s an ease deep in your soul.
Pleasure is your birthright.
For me, this process required that I adopt a new story around pleasure. It took rewiring the shame stigma around pleasure as indulgence, being lazy, or unproductive. I had to rid myself of the belief system that we have to “earn” pleasure by grinding out and burning out.
One of the practices that helped me the most was imagining what new belief systems/emotions/truths I wanted to adopt around the idea of pleasure. I gave my nervous system the love and care to take on these new beliefs as my truth.
I see MAGIC happen when women say yes to pleasure in their life. Because what is really happening is they are saying yes to themselves. They are listening to their own inner voices, nudges, and gut feelings, and they are honoring them.
In the past few days my clients have called in incredible things to their lives by saying yes to PLEASURE, including:
🌹Windfalls of thousands of dollars $$$
🌹A full paid trip to Hawaii.
🌹A dream job title at work.
🌹New friendships and community that they’ve desired.
🌹Dinners fully cooked and prepared by their husbands without even asking.
These are just a few examples but the point is, when you say yes to yourself, the world conspires in your favor. Pleasure is a portal to receiving everything you’ve dreamed of.