Processing tough emotions can be really daunting. It can feel like the opposite of sexy. One objection I hear to doing this work is that I don’t have enough time. Well, I have news for you: it will never be a good time to feel the hard emotions. Nope, your mind will never say “Ah today is the day I’m going to process all that unattended grief.” It just won’t happen. Why? Because it’s a survival tactic to not go there. To not open the floodgates for fear of what’s on the other side. We’ve been trained by society against this act. I used to schedule time to grieve on my calendar. I’d block about an hour a week. I didn’t know what I was going to do in that hour, I just knew it was important for me to feel my emotions and that any priority has a spot on my calendar. It’s never a “good time to grieve” but if you’re ready for the tsunami of pleasure that’s waiting for you on the other side of the darkness, if you’re ready to be in weekly devotion to your tender feelings, you’re going to want to trust fall into the Grieve and Glow community I’ve created. There are already 6 womxn in the program who felt the call. We will meet weekly over a 10-week program to make space for processing it all, and move into legendary amounts of pleasure, desire and radiance. Curious? DM me, I want to hear what your objections are! Tell me what walls your genius brain is throwing up!