Caught In The In-between

How do you know you’re stuck in the middle of a life transition?

✨You feel resistance to most things, especially anything you feel is “good” for you.
✨You experience Lethargy, heaviness, depression.
✨You feel disconnected from your body, your femininity and your flow.
✨You’re anxious.

As humans we can get caught in the in-between space between the changing seasons of our lives.

Everyone (and every relationship) cycles through the seasons of fall, winter, spring and summer and they don’t have to coincide with the calendar seasons. The seasons often look like:

Fall is a time for:

⭐️Celebrating what was.
⭐️Releasing what no longer serves you.
⭐️Needing to let go of things sexually.

Winter is a time for:

⭐️Deep Rest and regeneration underneath the surface.
⭐️Honoring your yin energy: darkness, silence, stillness.

Springtime is a time for:

⭐️The build up of pleasure.
⭐️Feeling a sense of aliveness.

Summer is a time for:

⭐️The peak of pleasure.
⭐️The fruition or full blossom of creation.

You can also get stuck in the in between. You’ve likely been conditioned out of allowing the cycle to happen and instead push push push through all the time. Wishing you’re in a different season causes disharmony and when we push through we don’t allow the season to complete and can get stuck.

So much of the work that I do with clients is helping them just honor where they are at. Helping them see that to thrive is to embrace the cycles of life.



Sara Chizek