Is Your Queen Ready To Be Reborn?

Listen, life is going to rip things from us. And the degree of pain we feel when this happens is often in direct correlation to how deep we loved the thing that’s being ripped away. And when you’re in the throws of this mucky muddy swamp, it’s hard to feel good.

It feels nearly impossible.

That’s when we must go to our toolboxes and to our sisterhood.

We must find the thing that helps us relate to the pain in a way that is not victimizing ourselves but instead is empowering. We must make ourselves right in however we are feeling. Because when we are in agreement with ourselves, we can move through the hard times at 10x speed.

We must honor the heartbreak, the pain, the muddy waters in order to move through them. We have to make ourselves right here (which is really hard when you’re sitting in the thick of self disapproval).

The fastest path to this is clearing out your physical vessel. Because the body keeps the score and is holding it all right now whether you’re aware of it or not. And when you can clean out the clogged pipes of your vessel, you free up energy for what’s waiting for you on the other side.

A woman who is actually IN her body is the most powerful force on earth.

And the queen deep within you is being birthed. Right now.

She trusts herself deeply.
She embraces her messy sides.
Her heart cracks open to let in all of her creations - her wins, her impact, her fuk ups, her everything.
Her ownership over her life - good or bad - is vast.
And she is a fucking stand for herself.

If you steer directly into the eye of the storm, there are portals. And your vulnerability is your ticket through.

And we CANNOT do this alone. I was in the deepest throws of rupture when my sisters brought me back to my body.

Showing each other a new way forth. Paving new paths that our ancestors didn’t have the privileges to pave.

Is your queen ready to be reborn?

With love,


Sara Chizek