“I found Sara last fall because a friend of a friend posted something about a free “swamp” session. I had no idea what swamping was. I just wanted to know more about what “swamping” was. I joined Sara’s FB group to learn more. I read what people were swamping about. I watched a video of Sara demonstrating what swamping looks like. I was sold. I posted my first swamp right then and there. I felt profoundly liberated and I wanted more. I reached out Sara. When we talked it was like an instant divine connection. I didn’t think I had the money but I immediately signed up for 8 weeks of 1:1 coaching sessions with her. My inner knowing knew that this was going to transform my life. And it did. Sara opened the door to help me find my most powerful, sovereign inner goddess self. She held space for me in away that no one has ever done before. She did not tell me what to do. She let me find my own way with a delicious drop of guidance using her treasure chest of toys (not tools).
Yesterday my amazing inner child was the boss of me. She ordered me around and let me sulk, whine and tantrum all day long. I woke up thjs morning and I spent time loving on that little girl. THEN. I. SWAMPED. I put on bright red lipstick. Dressed in my finest silks, cashmere and lacy bits. Picked one of my swamping playlists and f***ing danced my rage and grief out. Then alchemized it through erotic dance. My benevolent sovereign Self had been ignored for the last several weeks. BUT TODAY SHE IS BACK. I’m writing to express my deep, deep gratitude to Sara, for helping me find ways to access this part of me that deserves to be out in full glory...Every. Single. Day. If you are ready for Sara’s magic, I promise that you will never regret it.”
- Private 1:1 Client