When I signed up for a year long coaching certification program in 2018, I was in the corporate marketing world and waking up to how unaligned with the grind culture I felt. I knew there had to be something more fulfilling. I was very much following the trajectory that societal influences had wanted for me. I remember when I woke up and realized my values weren’t in alignment with what I was doing.
When I first started my certification, I was often freaking out about how I was going to casually add “Sexuality Coach” into my Instagram bio and hope my friends and family wouldn't notice. Oh gawddd, all the people that follow me on Facebook… what will they think? I spent months frozen in terror about all of this.
I remember thinking who would want to work with me? And as I slowly started to find my voice, out from the woodwork I reconnected with 2 of my childhood best friends who I haven’t connected with in 20 years and they become DREAM clients in my group program. My friends from college have become some of my most powerful clients. My coworkers from my 20’s have become my clients. My intuition wasn't wrong, this is such a growing niche and the opportunity to make an impact feels endless.
I now have a full 1:1 business, I’ve launched 2 group programs this year, and I just kicked off a membership program!! I’ve taken huge scary leaps. I’ve celebrated myself every step of the way. And I’ve officially outted myself as a sexuality coach.
Have you ever looked back at a time when you navigated through life with so much fear and in hindsight feel really proud?
And if you're currently sitting right in the fog of fear, keep going.
You can't always see what's on the other side but it's worth the wait.