Iris’s growing in her garden

🌱 Last week my teacher talked about the Iris’s growing in her garden. They’re just beginning to blossom. A month ago, they were beginning to sprout through the soil. A month before that, they were deep under the ground. Sometimes we can only focus on getting from point A to Point B by yesterday. We live among toxic productivity in our culture. And the biggest gift we can give ourselves in taking time to be with what is present. Looking back to see how far we’ve come, and looking forward at where we want to go. But being okay with being right where we are.

So whether you're smack in between and cant even see Point A or Point B and can’t even remember why or how you got here. The invitation is PRESENCE. And the accelerator to being present is being in your body.

💃Noticing your breath. Taking a dance break. Massaging your scalp, your temples, your jaw bone.

I'm curious, how do you get into deeper presence? Save this post for when ya need it, lovey ❤️

Sara Chizek