Inner Child Love

☁️Some days my little 5 year old heart that got broken by her dad’s death reigns supreme. Some days that little girl’s pain feels stronger than her adult self’s purpose. Some days she rules the show.

And that’s okay. She is welcomed. Her broken heart is welcomed. When she needs love, I’m the first in line to give her what she needs.

And... her pain IS my purpose. My work is so powerful because it is the direct transmission of love from my dad. It’s always there. It’s always present. It’s never ending. I don’t even have to do anything and his love is always all around me.

Every day before I show up in my business, I connect with my dad. I invite him to flow through me with the power of his love.

Your biggest pain can be the fertile soil for whatever you want to birth into this world.

You can alchemize the pain into something greater than you.

It doesn’t have to trap you. You don’t have to play victim to it.

You can let it fuel you. 🔥

You can weave it into the elixir of your own liberation. And possibly, the liberation of others.

Can you relate to that feeling of trapped energy? What scares you the most about alchemizing it into purpose?

Sara Chizek