I said yes.


...and it was one of the most intimidating and fearful moments of my life. I couldn’t believe all of these women celebrating following their dreams and pursuing their TRUE hearts desires.

The thought of rupturing the solid foundation of keeping it together was absolutely terrifying… AND I WAS PISSED at these women showing me what I was missing. It would be much easier to stay where I was, thank you very much.

Then they started to pass out the crowns. And I was like oh nooo not the crowns. I put it on my head and burst into tears thinking of embodying my queen like vision for myself. It was in that moment I went to mirror and I saw the crown on my head and I said yes.

I said YES.

I said to my dreams

I said yes trusting in myself

I said yes to my future self and my future success

I said yes to a life of pleasure lighting my path

Since I said yes, I’ve been letting that solid foundation rupture all around me - my job, some relationships in my life, they all had to go to make room for what I was birthing. A controlled avalanche if you will. There was no stopping it. My desires had the wheel of my life.

I now have a new yet THRIVING business. I’m about to outpace my Amazon salary one month after leaving my job.

I take women through the same exact journey and use the same exact tools that I did to liberate myself!

This shit TERRIFIED me just 2 years ago, yet here we are. This is the power of saying YES to your dreams.

Sara Chizek