Grief is a sneaky bitch
Do you ever feel like it takes an insurmountable amount of energy to do the littlest things and then you find yourself returning to netflix binges, drinking, and numbness as quickly as possible. That’s because we don’t know it but we are actually moving through the world with a heavy load on our shoulders on crap we didn’t even know we were holding onto. It’s past heart breaks, from the collective events of 2020, from generations past of women in your family who have been stuffing it all down for eons.
That stuff builds up. And suddenly we’ve lost motivation, confidence, our drive. We wonder where our connection to happiness was lost. And the sneaky thing is that it’s not one thing, it’s not one isolating incident. It’s the pile up. The slow, steady stacking of crap.
A few years ago I was seeking more happiness in my life and I had no idea that the path to more happiness required me to empty out a dump truck of emotional garbage that had piled up over the years. I thought the path to happiness was stay positive, keep a smile on, keep writing you affirmations. I’m here to tell you the only way to feel more lightness is to feel all the darkness. To feel the stuff that you didn’t even know was there. How do you even begin to decode this? The body.
The body keeps the score.
Most of our emotional processing is happening neck up, but the body stores it all.
That’s why the number 1 key to processing hard stuff and truly finding your joy is getting out of your head and into your body.
Grieve & Glow will be your dump truck’s big haul to the dump. We’ll empty out the truck and clear the slate. We’ll find neutrality. And once that energy is available to you for other things, we’ll feed your dreams, desire and sensuality with this freed up energy.
Small bits of trash, maybe some big bits will always come through, but when you walk away from this program, you’ll have all the tools to empty out your dump truck regularly so it never piles up like it did before.
I’ve got you in this, babe. The women of Grieve & Glow are going to wrap our arms around eachother as we move through the muck, shed what needs to be shed, and birth ourselves anew.
We start March 18.