Wow, sometimes you don’t know you need a break until you take one.
My soul was calling me deeper into a devotional space.
My soul was calling for healthier boundaries with my phone.
In December my coach said to me “It sounds like there’s a part of you that’s starving for self commitment” and my whole being felt seen and heard.
So I started small… went back to the basics. Replaced morning scrolling with a hot cup of tea while I journaled and pulled a goddess card… a homecoming to a simpler practice I’d had for years before.
Each day I’ve been journaling on this (inspired by my amazing coach):
- What am I devoted to today?
- What do I have faith in today?
- Where am I to be courageous today?
- And where am I willing to be more open today?
With this framework, the past month has been a HOMECOMING.
You're not going to want to miss my transmission this winter.
I’m invested in myself in deeper ways.
I’m devoted to deep spiritual awakening practices.
I’m learning from some powerful queens this upcoming season (Layla Martin, Julia MF Wells, Julia Bernard-Thompson, Amanda Hanson, Andreja Bourke) and when that happens, my own transmission gets amplified up in that magical cauldron and some really powerful shit happens.
I’ll be devoted to my mindset under the palm trees of a Caribbean island.
I’m going deeper in every area of my life and I have the support system, coaches and team in place to hold me while I journey. I’ve been preparing for this.
And as some of you know, I’ve been on my hands and knees the back half of 2021, in what sometimes felt like clawing my way up the mountain. Well, I’ve reached a new vista. When that happens, I get to look back at the terrain I’ve covered and lean into the ridiculous amount of self trust this experience has blessed me with. And when I lean into this trust, really fcking powerful things happen.
You’re going to want to be in my energy this season.
You’re going to want to taste this overflowing fountain of juice.