My dad's final words to me before he died when I was 4 years old were:
"I love you to the end of the universe and back, soon the world will look to you for the answers."
These words have hung in a frame on my wall my entire life. I’ve treasured them yet they’ve felt heavy. What answers could I possibly have?
A few years ago I went on a search for a deeper connection with myself so that I could navigate the loss of my dad.
I came to learn that the extent to which I could feel all
my hard stuff was the extent to which I could feel my shine.
The more comfortable I became talking about transitions, death, loss, and grieving, I became more connected to my sense of aliveness, Vibrancy, self love. My authentic womanly radiance emerged through the dark cloud of grief.
His prophecy stressed me out most of my life. Turns out the pain I felt in the hole in my heart had a purpose all along. I'm so excited to share this work because it has truly changed my life.