I'd be an asshole not to share this with you

Here’s the facts:
🌻I help women remember who they are.
🌻I show women back to their magic they feel like they lost.
🌻I help women reclaim pleasure when it slips out of reach.
🌻 I take women through the dark night of their soul to birth what's waiting for them on the other end.

My incredible clients tell me so:

“The exercise we did tonight was mind blowing. I felt shame literally leaving my body and my body instantly felt different. I’ve never experienced anything like that, I’ve done plenty of meditation before, plenty of yoga before and I’ve felt out of body before but not like that, that was incredible. I felt a wave of love wash over me. Sitting in the juiciness. Thank you for helping me remember who I am, this is amazing.” - Private 1:1 client

“Thank you so much for last night. I went all out and it was so much fun. I feel like I reclaimed my sensuality and my body and my sovereign self and just really took pleasure in being with me and all the sensations. So, thank you.” - Julie, Private 1:1 client

“Sara got me out of my head and into the wisdom of my body. I was moved to see how much pleasure and intelligence I had access to with her guidance. I was able to heal my relationship to pleasure and myself more, something I had no idea how to do on my own in my 10+ years on my personal development journey.” Kate, Private 1:1 Client

Here’s the thing, it’s an investment to work with me privately for 10 weeks... at nearly $2k. It’s worth every penny but I’d be an asshole for not sharing these gifts with more women at a range of prices. I want more women to experience this magical transformation. That’s why I'm offering an intimate group program that’s only $688 for 10 weeks. Because I want all women to be drenched in their glow at every price range.

We start March 18. DM me if you want in on this party.

Sara Chizek