I need you to own your greatness

Picture this:
✨You feel confident when the next hurdle of life is thrown your way, you’ll know how to claw your way out of the muck
✨You’ve reconnected with your body and are totally feeling yourself
✨Your desires dont just seem possible, they feel dropped into you body in a deep knowing way
✨You feel truly supported by the women in your life and know you could go to them with your deepest rupture.

This is what the women of Grieve & Glow have said YES to and how they’ll be walking into the world in 10 weeks. Are you in?

I’m not just inviting you to a 10 week program… I’m inviting you to a new chapter of your life. One where you have the tools to deal with whatever life throws at you. Whatever rupture arises. One where you have a lifelong community of women supporting you through the muck of life. Because we weren’t meant to go at this alone. Processing emotions in community is the most special, the most vulnerable and the most sacred act.

Sara Chizek