First Name
Last Name
Please share your current relationship to pleasure. You can share what’s working, but make sure to include areas where you would like to heal, grow, integrate and/or thrive. Think about themes like pleasure, sexuality, confidence, orgasm, relationship, desire, surrender, acceptance, sexiness, safety, etc.
What do you most want from our time together?
Please share your biggest strengths.
What are the biggest challenges in your life right now?
Do you have an intimate relationship (husband, wife, life partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.)? If so, what is the quality of that relationship? What is great about it? What needs work?
What is your relationship with your body like? With your pussy? (if you don't identify with the word ‘pussy’, then the energy of your genitals)
What can I do that will make you feel safe and supported in our work together?
What other modalities or practices have you interacted with to help you reach your goals? Do you have a daily practice?
If you have undergone therapeutic treatment for any of the following: bi-polar/manic depression; post-traumatic stress; clinical depression; eating disorders; and/or suicide attempts, bring this up on our call so we can determine together if coaching is a good fit for you at this time.
I stand in solidarity with all people from marginalized communities and work with clients who do as well. Are you doing anti-racism, LGBTQI+ or other diversity and inclusion work to expand your learning, overcome bias, understand privilege and advocate for these communities?
How did you hear about the Pleasure Breakthrough Session?
Is there anything else you would like me to know? Or questions that you have?