Today My Body Trusts Me

As I sit here under the shade of a palm tree in my favorite bikini, I realize just how far I’ve come on my body love journey.

Today my body trusts me that I’ll feed it when it’s hungry. That a restrictive diet is not around the next corner. That the way it looks right now is so lovable exactly as it is.

My precious mental real estate that had previously been so consumed by judging my body and by obsessing over food, has been freed up to live my damn life. I can tell I love my body more because it’s not top of mind all the time. I’m not mirror checking my stomach every time I walk by a mirror and letting it defeat me and my mood for the day. I’m not anxiously obsessing over having veggies prepped on Monday so I can “make up” from the weekend splurge. Food is feeling more and more neutral and pleasurable.

The ride was long and not an easy one. Everyone’s journeys with their body is uniquely theirs. As I sit here in an able, small, white body I acknowledge the privilege of this seat.

I’ll leave you with this:

Your body is lovable exactly as it is.

Your summer body is already ready exactly as it is.

Wear the damn bikini if you want to.

Sara Chizek