Pleasure is a portal for liberation

You might know me as a grief coach but did you know I’m actually certified in S*xuality, Love and Relationships with @LaylaMartin's VITA certification, which stands for The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach.

I've studied and practiced over 1,000 hours last year to get my certification. It was intense! I dove deep into themes like pleasure, confidence, s*xuality, org&sm, s*xiness, surrender, desire, etc. Let's just say, it was very different from my past life of marketing at Amazon.

In honoring the seasons of life, as we move into the back half of spring season, I’m going to start talking more about pleasure and celebrating sexuality. In spring, there's growth, blossoming, and the potential for pleasure in the air. I sure feel it after the year we've had.

🔥Pleasure is a portal for liberation, ecstasy and bliss. When you anchor deeper into pleasure as the primary touchstone for how you relate to life, you create a deep connection to yourself.

And the beauty is, it starts with no one else but you, my love.

In fact, when you place ownership of pleasure on someone else, it’s actually disempowering. I was disempowered for years.

Some of you may know my story of my dad dying when I was 4 but what you probably didn’t know was that I was stuck as fuck just 3 years ago. I was emotionally shut down. I had a job that I let trample my boundaries. I was single and attracting all the wrong partners.

When I finally faced my grief and gave myself permission to feel everything I’d been avoiding, magic happened. I turned my pain into pleasure, turn on and aliveness. The secret sauce was feeling safe in my turn on.

Fast forward 3 years and now I’m in a beautiful, safe and loving relationship where my partner and I live part time in a slice of island paradise for the winters, and travel extensively in between.

I resigned from a lifetime of corporate and now I'm a Grief and Sensuality coach for women, living my power day in and day out and guiding others back to their own inner power.

And most importantly, my relationship with myself is one of integrity, trust and love. I see my inner goddess and celebrate her regularly.👑

Sara Chizek