It’s easy to show up in your biz mastermind all shiny when things are going well. ⭐️ It’s much harder to show up when you’re in deep emotional rupture. You might be concerned if your coach can realllllly hold you.
I’ve been a participant in a business mastermind for about 8 months and this Fall, when I was going through a particularly rough emotional rollercoaster, I noticed how I was showing up to my business mastermind had changed.
I was drained and had zero capacity to talk about the future of business. I really just needed to be held in my swampy feels. I could barely get into any strategy talk without feeling overwhelmed because I was just staying afloat.
I noticed I was in need of gentle holding and moving the deadweight of depression off my chest.
Luckily my business coach is amazing and could give me what I needed. But I also noticed that this was not how I intended to show up in this space.
No, I wanted to use this space to put my CEO hat on and think BIG but instead I was dragging through it. My CEO hat was buried under my muddy swampy feels.
If you’re sitting there thinking you already have all the coaches.
I invite you to consider that not allll coaches can hold the contractions. That’s where I come in. My zone of genius is being your wayshower through the contractions.
That’s why I’ve created a dedicated space to alchemize your contractions. So you can put your CEO hat on in your biz spaces. And you can fall apart if you need to in the Grieve & Glow Mastermind.
Here for you. ✨
Here for your questions. ✨