How I Went From Stuck to Creating My Dream Life in 3 Years

Some of you may know my story of my dad dying when I was 4 but what you probably didn’t know was that I was stuck as fuck just 3 years ago.

I was emotionally shut down. I had a job that I let trample my boundaries. I was single and attracting all the wrong, unavailable men. I was letting alcohol make decisions for my body and whom I slept with.

When I finally faced my grief and gave myself permission to feel everything I’d been avoiding, magic happened. I turned my pain into pleasure, turn-on, and aliveness. It became fuel for creating the life I had always wanted. I practiced tools the unquestionably revolutionized my life. I made my grief my superpower.

And now I’m in a beautiful relationship where my partner and I traveled to 9 countries in our first year together and have lived in Puerto Rico, visited the Grand Canyon, and the adventures are just getting started.

I resigned from the company I’ve been with for 5 years, studied hard (for 1000+ hrs), and became a Grief and Sensuality coach for women, living my power day in and day out.

And most importantly, my relationship with myself is one of authenticity, trust, and love. I see my inner goddess and celebrate her.

Sara Chizek